Custom Made Equipment

Don’t you just hate it how all your hard earned money is spent on dog equipment that falls apart, rusts or just doesn’t do what it should?

Contact Paul and he’ll  design you a piece of functional dog equipment that WILL last. (In fact, it will often outlive your dog.)

Some people tell us that this approach is just poor business. They say “Why not make it last only a year or two and include instructions like ’Do not wash’ so when it falls apart you don’t have to honour the warranty)? When it inevitably fails you have generated repeat customers?” I say codswallop: make it best, make it endure.

Those same people tell me that if I’m going to go for a quality old fashioned approach “Make ‘em pay.” Well I am not going to give it away, though you will find that your new custom made equipment will be similarly priced to items that have been proven to fail.

Have a look at our custom made leads, collars, cool/wet weather jackets and ortho-supportive dog beds. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by both the quality and price.

And we can tailor equipment to suit your pet’s individual style, size and activity requirements.

We also make bulk puppy packs for reputable breeders.


Paul Walsh
0402 534 991